Rear ended driver injured from automobile accident

Settlement : 235,000.00

FACTS: The Plaintiff was rear-ended by the Defendant’s vehicle. The Plaintiff’s vehicle sustained moderate damage. The Plaintiff sustained low back injuries including but not limited to a moderate disk protrusion. Plaintiff underwent a series of cortisone injections and was possibly a candidate for surgery. The Defense argued that the Plaintiff’s injuries were preexisting and not caused by the underlying accident. Farar Law was able to obtain $235,000.00for the Plaintiff prior to filing a lawsuit.

Marshall Byler

Byler Media designs and builds SEO optimized, mobile-friendly websites with Squarespace, including small business, e-commerce sites and blogs.  We produces professional-quality, 4K video content for individuals and organizations including wedding videography, documentary and promotional films. We are a web designer, Squarespace expert and videographer all in one.

Rear ended driver injured from automobile accident


Passenger suffers from automobile accident