Premises Liability/Trip and Fall

Settlement: $1,300,000.00

FACTS: Our client stepped out of his apartment onto the building’s outdoor walkway when our client tripped and fell on a golf-ball sized round tree dropping. As a result of the fall, our client suffered a serious back injury that required surgery.  The apartment complex denied our client’s claim arguing that the tree droppings were not dangerous and that they did nothing wrong in not warning or safeguarding the public.  Farar & Lewis, LLP was able to uncover that the apartment building knew about the danger these tree droppings were causing during a hard fought litigation battle against the property owners and managers. Farar & Lewis, LLPS was able to recover $1,300,000.00 for our client one week before trial.

Marshall Byler

Byler Media designs and builds SEO optimized, mobile-friendly websites with Squarespace, including small business, e-commerce sites and blogs.  We produces professional-quality, 4K video content for individuals and organizations including wedding videography, documentary and promotional films. We are a web designer, Squarespace expert and videographer all in one.

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